Cancellation & Booking Policy
Booking Policy:
Bookings are essential and non-refundable. We cannot guarantee space if you turn up to a class with an unreserved spot. Please arrive 15 minutes before your class so you can set up your board and avoid late entry. If you need to reschedule, please do so outside of 24 hours to your class start time. If you can no longer attend a class, you can also transfer your booking to a friend or loved one. Rescheduling may be available for your booking within a reasonable notice period, please check your specific class booking policy for more details.
Sculpt Packs:
Sculpt Packs are valid for 6 months from your commencement date and are non-refundable. ​
Membership Cancellation policy:
Once a month membership policy has been debited we cannot process a refund but should you wish to cancel or suspend your on-going membership at any time, please contact us at and we can action this accordingly.